Automated Task Creation from a Word Doc

Oct 1, 2024
Automated Task Creation from a Word Doc
From Word Doc to ClickUp tasks and subtasks
6 hours of admin work per document received

The Client

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, efficiency is key. TT Media, a thriving marketing agency specializing in ads and video content, recently faced a challenge that many growing agencies encounter: dealing with client-imposed workflows that hinder productivity and scalability. This case study explores how automation transformed their process, alleviating frustration and dramatically improving efficiency.

The Challenge: Drowning in a Sea of Disorganized Data

TT, known for their work with high-profile clients, found themselves grappling with a nightmare familiar to many agencies: the dreaded multi-client Word document.

The Problematic Input

Clients and partner agencies would send enormous Word documents containing information for multiple projects and clients, all jumbled together. Each document was a labyrinth of data, with no standardization or structure designed for efficient processing. It was as if someone had taken a filing cabinet, dumped all its contents onto the floor, and said, "Here, sort this out."

Input Example

ClientName Versions 1. H1 + Body 2. H2 + Body 3. H1 + Body + CTA1 4. H2 + Body + CTA2 5. H2 + Body + CTA1 Hooks - H1: Lorem ipsum dolor amet fashion axe plaid kombucha - H2: Arrr! Avast ye! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ScriptComponents - Body: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Call To Actions - CTA1: Brains... brains ipsum dolor sit ameeeet - CTA2: Can we take this offline? Circle back

The Pain of Manual Processing

The process of working with these documents was nothing short of excruciating:
  1. Separation Anxiety: Team members had to painstakingly comb through each document, separating tasks for different clients. Imagine trying to untangle a giant knot of cables, where each cable represents a different client's needs.
  1. ClickUp Treasure Hunt: Once tasks were identified, the team had to hunt through ClickUp to find the corresponding project. It was like playing a frustrating game of match-making, but with high stakes and tight deadlines.
  1. Content Tetris: Each task typically contained multiple hooks, a body, and several call-to-actions (CTAs). The document would then specify various combinations of these elements, each requiring its own subtask in ClickUp.
  1. Subtask Creation Marathon: For every combination listed, a new subtask had to be manually created in ClickUp. This repetitive process was mind-numbing and prone to errors.

The Emotional Toll

The frustration this process generated cannot be overstated.
The irony wasn't lost on the team: here they were, a cutting-edge digital marketing agency, forced to work with inputs that seemed designed to resist automation and efficiency. It was as if they were trying to build a spaceship with stone tools.

The Breaking Point

As their client base grew, so did the mountain of Word documents. The team found themselves working longer hours, with increasing stress and decreasing job satisfaction. Something had to give. The question became: How could they break free from this inefficient, imposed workflow without alienating clients or compromising on deliverables?

The Solution: Embracing Automation

Determined to reclaim their time and sanity, TT Media turned to automation. Using, they developed a streamlined workflow that revolutionized their ad creation process:
  1. Trigger: The automation kicks off when a document's category changes in ClickUp, signaling new content to process.
  1. Data Extraction: Claude AI is employed to extract and categorize relevant information from the Word document, acting like a super-intelligent assistant that never tires.
  1. Data Parsing: The extracted data is converted into a structured JSON format, bringing order to chaos.
  1. Task Creation: Subtasks are automatically generated in ClickUp based on the parsed data, eliminating the need for manual creation.
  1. Content Generation: Hooks, body text, and CTAs are concatenated as specified, following the combinations outlined in the original document.
  1. ClickUp Update: The generated content is automatically added to the appropriate ClickUp tasks, ensuring everything is where it needs to be.

The Results: From Frustration to Freedom

The implementation of this automated workflow yielded transformative results:
  1. Time Reclaimed: What once consumed hours of tedious work is now completed in minutes, freeing the team to focus on strategic and creative tasks. More than 6 hours of admin work per document received.
  1. Morale Boost: Team members reported feeling more valued and engaged, using their skills for meaningful work rather than data entry.
  1. Scalability Achieved: The agency can now handle a larger volume of clients and projects without drowning in documentation or needing to hire an army of admins.

Tech Used

  • DocParser to split the document in tasks
  • Claude AI to get the components and formulas, ad hooks, bodies, CTAs
  • ClickUp for task management

Need support setting this up? We can help!

Are you feeling trapped by inefficient, client-imposed workflows? It might be time to explore how automation can transform your business operations and reignite your team's passion for their work.