Quick Events Templates for Inc. and Fast Company Magazines

Jun 26, 2024
Quick Events Templates for Inc. and Fast Company Magazines

The Client

Mansueto Ventures, the umbrella company for Fast Company and Inc. magazines, organizes numerous events each year, ranging from industry conferences to award ceremonies.

The Challenge

  • Events were managed using multiple Google Sheets, leading to data fragmentation and making it difficult to have a holistic view of all events.
  • The lack of a centralized system made it challenging to manage and update task dependencies across different events.
  • Adjusting task dates and dependencies was time-consuming and complex, particularly when dealing with multiple events simultaneously.
  • The system did not provide any notifications, causing important deadlines and updates to be missed, impacting event timelines.
  • As the number of events grew, the existing setup became increasingly difficult to manage, limiting the team’s ability to scale operations effectively.

The Solution

  • Created a centralized Airtable database to store and manage all event-related data, providing a single source of truth.
  • Templates allow managers to quickly create events with 50+ tasks associated.
  • Implemented workflows to compute complex logic to update dates on tasks with related dependencies.
  • Implemented task reminders.
  • Developed customized views for different team members, allowing them to focus on their specific tasks and responsibilities.

The Results

  • The centralized database ensured data consistency and accuracy, enhancing decision-making.
  • The new system is scalable, allowing Mansueto to manage more events without compromising on quality or efficiency.
  • Improved coordination and communication among different departments, leading to smoother event execution.
  • Real-time updates and a unified platform improved communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Efficient management of dependencies and critical paths ensured timely completion of tasks.