BambooHR integrations

Connect BambooHR to any other software

and avoid double data entry, delays, errors and more!
Integration Types
One-way sync, Two-way sync, PTO
Integration Types
One-way sync, Two-way sync, PTO
Direction of Data Flow
BambooHR to payroll, payroll to BambooHR (optional)
Direction of Data Flow
BambooHR to payroll, payroll to BambooHR (optional)
Sync Trigger
An event, New or Updated Employee
Sync Trigger
An event, New or Updated Employee
Sync Frequency
Near real-time data via API for most fields
Sync Frequency
Near real-time data via API for most fields


Seamless, Hands-free Integration

Connex' connectors automatically share data in near real-time from BambooHR to your payroll app through an API-to-API connection. This data sharing goes beyond simple file transfers and enables seamless point-to-point integration.

Doesn’t Require Internal IT Resources

The BambooHR connector from Connex offers the simplest method for integrating BambooHR with your payroll app. Our experts handle all the integration work, eliminating the need for internal client IT resources to create data maps or maintain the integration. Connex' connector is specifically designed for HR app integrations and provides advanced cloud integrations.

Custom Integration Available

Connex’ connectors contemplate custom fields. With custom connectors, we can meet the unique integration needs of your business, with custom logic, or extending the integration with other apps.

Fast Integration

A custom integration can be fully deployed in 4-6 weeks.


How it works.

New Hires from BambooHR to payroll software

As soon as a hiring manager presses the new hire button in BambooHR, new hire data automatically syncs in your payroll app in near real-time with the essential information needed to process payroll.

Employee Updates Bundle from BambooHR to payroll software

As soon as current employee data changes in BambooHR, employee data also automatically updates in your payroll app in near real-time.

What data syncs?

BambooHR Field
Payroll Software Field
Field Logic or Notes
Employee #
Employee ID
This is the identifying field for the integration. The two systems Employee #/ID must match.
Hire Date
Tax ID
Social Security Number
first Name
First Name
last Name
Preferred Name
Birth Date
address 1
address 1
address 2
address 1
Zip Code
Home Phone
Personal Cell
Personal Email
Marital Status
defaults to either "SID" or "VID"
Race ID Method
The default is "SID", which is Self Identification of Ethnicity. "VID" is visual identification
EE Ethnic Code
Ethnicity codes will be mapped between Bamboo HR and payroll software values
Position Id
This field is the "company code + employee id" in payroll software, if not sent, it will default automatically
Job Title
Worker Category
Business Unit
Home Department
Pay Frequency
This field identifies if the person is a regular full time, part time, etc
Rate Type
Rate Type is Salary or Hourly
Pay Period Pay Rate
If the employee is a Salary employee, this field should be populated
Hourly Pay Rate
If the employee is a Salary employee, this field should be populated
Rate 2 Amount

Need something else?

Don’t hesitate to contact us. Fill in the form below and we will connect as soon as possible.

Apps we integrate with

  • Paylocity
  • Paychex
  • Paycor
  • Workday
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Oracle
  • NetSuite
  • ServiceNow
  • UKG
  • Hubspot
  • Salesforce
  • Active Directory
  • Okta
  • QuickBooks Online

Your app not shown here?

Please fill in the form at the bottom to check whether we can connect BambooHR with your software.

Pricing Example

Pricing depends on the system integrated. We look to offer a simple to understand solution. Here’s an example you can expect for most common payroll systems.
Simple pricing. Three tiers.
Demographics and custom fields 1-way from BambooHR to payroll software.
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  • * Minimum of $100/mo. 6 month minimum contract. Set up fee: $1,000 for 100 employees, $2,000 for more than 100 employees
All in previous tier plus:
PTO from BambooHR to payroll software.
Paystubs from payroll software to BambooHR.
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  • * Minimum of $200/mo. 6 month minimum contract. Set up fee: $1,000 for 100 employees, $2,000 for more than 100 employees.
All in previous tier plus:
2-way sync demographics and custom fields between BambooHR and payroll software.
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  • * Minimum of $250/mo. 6 month minimum contract. Set up fee: $1,000 for 100 employees, $2,000 for more than 100 employees.

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